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Our mission: To help you understand diabetes and manage it in 4 steps.

Understanding Diabetes 

Normal carbohydrate digestion

Diabetes: What Fails?

Risk factors

Causes of diabetes

A1c Test

Screening Test

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Diet principles

Glucose Monitors



Continuous Monitor


Medications Types

A1c Test

Alcohol Limit

Pros & Cons of Medications

Generic Insulin


Insulin Pen

Injection Technique

Incretin Safety

Insulin Pumps

Low Glucose

High Sugar

Be Informed. Be In Control.


Diabetes Mellitus

Dedicated to the millions of Diabetics worldwide What is Diabetes?  Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a condition in which the body cannot handle glucose appropriately after absorption. DM is...

Causes of Diabetes

Causes of Diabetes Type 1 Diabetics don't produce insulin. They need insulin for survival; without insulin, they develop diabetic ketoacidosis (a severe medical emergency). Insulin is secreted by...

Diabetes: What fails?

Mechanisms leading to Type 2 Diabetes How it goes wrong  Multiple gene defects are felt to cause Type 2 Diabetes. It is not due to a single gene defect. These gene defects in the presence of...

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Insulin Pumps

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Insulin Pump

Important Features Insulin Pump An insulin pump is a very sophisticated means of delivering insulin. There is a small cartridge of insulin, which can be refilled periodically, usually every 2-3 days. Sophisticated electronics control the basal rate of insulin. Boluses...

Calculate Your Basal Metabolic Rate

BMR: the energy needed for basic existence Calculate Your Basal Metabolic Rate     Metabolic Rate -Total Calories Needed Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the number of calories your body needs for all your body's basic functions at rest. To calculate your Basal...

Diabetes: What fails?

Mechanisms leading to Type 2 Diabetes How it goes wrong  Multiple gene defects are felt to cause Type 2 Diabetes. It is not due to a single gene defect. These gene defects in the presence of environmental factors such as a poor diet rich in carbohydrates, and a...

The Latest Articles

Screening For Diabetes

Blood Test Screening for Diabetes Anyone over the age of 45 should be screened for glucose abnormalities every three years. In high-risk individuals, testing should be done annually, starting at a...

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Insulin Pump

Important Features Insulin Pump An insulin pump is a very sophisticated means of delivering insulin. There is a small cartridge of insulin, which can be refilled periodically, usually every 2-3...

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Calculate Your Basal Metabolic Rate

BMR: the energy needed for basic existence Calculate Your Basal Metabolic Rate     Metabolic Rate -Total Calories Needed Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the number of calories your body needs for all your body's basic functions at rest. To calculate your Basal...

Diabetes: What fails?

Mechanisms leading to Type 2 Diabetes How it goes wrong  Multiple gene defects are felt to cause Type 2 Diabetes. It is not due to a single gene defect. These gene defects in the presence of environmental factors such as a poor diet rich in carbohydrates, and a...

Carbohydrate Digestion

Normal Glucose Metabolism  After digestion, food is broken down to glucose in the gut. Glucose is then absorbed into the bloodstream. It is carried in the blood to every cell of your body. Cells need glucose for their energy needs. To get inside the cell, glucose...


Important to reduce all risk factors Diabetic neuropathy Diabetic neuropathy, also called peripheral neuropathy, can affect motor or sensory nerves. Motor nerves supply muscles. Damage to these...

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Hyperosmolar Non Ketotic State

Maybe Presenting sign of Diabetes. Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Coma (HONK)   Type 2 Diabetics can develop this life-threatening condition when they are subject to severe medical...

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Be Informed. Be In Control.

New Research In Diabetes

Insulin Pump

Important Features Insulin Pump An insulin pump is a very sophisticated means of delivering insulin. There is a small cartridge of insulin, which can be refilled periodically, usually every 2-3 days. Sophisticated electronics control the basal rate of insulin. Boluses...

Sick Day Management

What to do if you are under the weather Sick Day Management Having a cold, the flu, or infection can raise your blood glucose levels. You can have serious health problems leading to a coma if your blood glucose levels are very high. Be prepared for illness. Make a...

Traveling With Diabetes

Helpful tips Diabetes and Travel Tips When You're Travelling Follow your meal plan as much as possible when you eat out. Always carry a snack with you if you have low blood sugar or have to wait to be served. Limit your drinking of beer, wine, or other alcoholic...

Generic Insulin Vs Analog Insulin

Regular insulin (Generic) is in a complex (hexamer) state; this delays the absorption of insulin from the injection site into the bloodstream, resulting in the slow onset of action. For this reason, Regular insulin needs to be taken 20 to 30 minutes before a meal...

Classes of Diabetic Medications Including Insulin

Both generic and nongeneric Classes of Medications Used In Type 2 Diabetes:   Biguanides: Drugs in this class are Metformin (Glucophage ER, Glumetza, Riomet, and Fortamet). Sulfonylurea: Drugs in this class include Glipizide (Glucotrol and Glucotrol XL),...

Alternative Insulin Delivery Devics

Alternative Ways For Taking Insulin Many people with diabetes must take insulin to manage their disease. Most people who take insulin use an insulin Pen or needle and syringe to inject insulin just under the skin. Several other devices for taking insulin are...

Insulin Pump

Important Features Insulin Pump An insulin pump is a very sophisticated means of delivering insulin. There is a small cartridge of insulin, which can be refilled periodically, usually every 2-3 days. Sophisticated electronics control the basal rate of insulin. Boluses...

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Generic Insulin Vs Analog Insulin

Regular insulin (Generic) is in a complex (hexamer) state; this delays the absorption of insulin from the injection site into the bloodstream, resulting in the slow onset of action. For this reason, Regular insulin needs to be taken 20 to 30 minutes before a meal...

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Gestational Diabetes & Pregnancy with Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes

ABC Of Gestational Diabetes

Pregnancy With Diabetes

Screening Test


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Diabetes ConsultOur PurposeEmpowering You to Simplify Diabetes Management and Achieve Optimal ControlEffective Management Strategies Essential Diet Principles for Optimal Health The Benefits of Regular Exercise Understanding Classes of Insulin Medications Evaluating...

Symtoms Of Diabetes

Symptoms of Diabetes  Many people with diabetes have no symptoms at all and are only diagnosed during the routine lab test. When symptoms are present, they are the same as high blood sugar symptoms: excessive urination at night,  increased urination, excess...

Sample Care Plan-PDCP

Sample -Personalised Diabetes Care Plan  Dear Mr. John Doe: Based on the detailed history that you had provided, our Endocrinologists have identified several areas in your diabetic care that you could modify or change to help improve blood sugar control. We...

Explore Diabetic Topics: Q&A

Q&A: Explore Diabetic  TopicsWhat are the basic concepts of a diabetic diet?Why is exercise important for diabetes?How much Alcohol Intake is acceptable for diabetics?What are the various diabetic medications? What are the pros and cons?What are the different...

Management Home

Diabetes Management Gestational Diabetes & Pregnancy with DiabetesSurgical Treatment Options

Medical Panel

Editors Medical Consultants  Our panel of medical consultants are licensed, practicing endocrinologists or diabetologists. They are American Board Certified in Endocrinology or have had postgraduate medical education in England [MRCP (UK)]. Curabitur ultricies...

Gastroparesis Diabeticorum

Complication Gastroparesis What is gastroparesis? Gastroparesis also called delayed gastric emptying, is a disorder that slows or stops the movement of food from the stomach to the small intestine. Normally, the muscles of the stomach, which are controlled by the...

MODY-Maturity Onset Diabetes Of The Young

Important to recognize Monogenic Forms of Diabetes: Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus and Maturity-onset Diabetes of the Young The most common forms of diabetes, type 1 and type 2, are polygenic, meaning the risk of developing these forms of diabetes is related to multiple...

Gestational Diabetes Q&A

GDM: Answers What I need to know about Gestational Diabetes What is gestational diabetes? Gestational diabetes is diabetes that is found for the first time when a woman is pregnant. Gestational (Jes-TAY-shun-ul) diabetes is diabetes that is found for the first time...

Complications Of Diabetes

Diabetic Neuropathy

Sexual/Urological Issues In Diabetes

Article Coming

Foot Care

Heart Disease, Stroke In Diabetes

Article coming

Kidney Issues In Diabetes

PAD: Arterial disease In Diabetes

Hyperosmolar Non-Ketotic State

Product Reviews

Insulin Pump

Important Features Insulin Pump An insulin pump is a very sophisticated means of delivering insulin. There is a small cartridge of insulin, which can be refilled periodically, usually every 2-3 days. Sophisticated electronics control the basal rate of insulin. Boluses...

Sick Day Management

What to do if you are under the weather Sick Day Management Having a cold, the flu, or infection can raise your blood glucose levels. You can have serious health problems leading to a coma if your blood glucose levels are very high. Be prepared for illness. Make a...

Traveling With Diabetes

Helpful tips Diabetes and Travel Tips When You're Travelling Follow your meal plan as much as possible when you eat out. Always carry a snack with you if you have low blood sugar or have to wait to be served. Limit your drinking of beer, wine, or other alcoholic...

Generic Insulin Vs Analog Insulin

Regular insulin (Generic) is in a complex (hexamer) state; this delays the absorption of insulin from the injection site into the bloodstream, resulting in the slow onset of action. For this reason, Regular insulin needs to be taken 20 to 30 minutes before a meal...

Classes of Diabetic Medications Including Insulin

Both generic and nongeneric Classes of Medications Used In Type 2 Diabetes:   Biguanides: Drugs in this class are Metformin (Glucophage ER, Glumetza, Riomet, and Fortamet). Sulfonylurea: Drugs in this class include Glipizide (Glucotrol and Glucotrol XL),...

Alternative Insulin Delivery Devics

Alternative Ways For Taking Insulin Many people with diabetes must take insulin to manage their disease. Most people who take insulin use an insulin Pen or needle and syringe to inject insulin just under the skin. Several other devices for taking insulin are...

High Blood Sugar

Important to understand High blood Glucose (Hyperglycemia) Symptoms of elevated blood glucose are, Increased thirst. Increased urinary frequency with increased urinary volume. Increased appetite. Weight loss. Tiredness. Headache Dry, itchy skin Abnormal healing of...

Diabetic Medications: Pros and Cons

Which medication should I take? Pros and Con of Various Diabetic medications  Metformin: Metformin is usually the 1st line medication for Type 2 diabetes. This should be avoided in severe congestive heart failure, severe liver disease such as cirrhosis, active...

Low Blood Glucose

Important to recognize Low Blood Sugar or Hypoglycemia Low blood sugars occur in people with diabetes who are on certain diabetic pills or insulin. Common cause: too much insulin or too high a dose of diabetic medication (that stimulate insulin release) ate less than...

Proof: Good Glucose Control Prevents Complications

Proof that good glucose control reduces complications in Type 1 Diabetes Diabetes Control and Complication Trial (DCCT)    This NIH sponsored study compared two groups of Type 1 diabetics. One group aimed to keep their blood sugars close to the normal range...

Blood Pressure Goals

Hypertension or High Blood Pressure Blood carries nutrients and oxygen to every cell of the body. A certain amount of pressure is needed to move your blood through the blood vessels. If the blood flow is decreased, the cells and tissues are deprived of vital nutrients...

Hyperosmolar Non Ketotic State

Maybe Presenting sign of Diabetes. Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Coma (HONK)   Type 2 Diabetics can develop this life-threatening condition when they are subject to severe medical stress such as infection or heart attack. Sometimes, Type 2 Diabetes is...

Gestational diabetes

Gestational Diabetes Definition  High blood sugars first detected during pregnancy is called gestational diabetes (GDM). Cause of GDM It occurs due to insulin resistance (insulin not as effective as usual), exacerbated by the excessive hormones of pregnancy that...

Why We Recommend What We Recommend

How to prevent diabetes

Should I be on Aspirin therapy?

Benefits of good glucose control in Type 1 Diabetes

Benefits of good glucose control in Type 2 Diabetes

Cinnamon: Is there any benefit?

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