Maybe Presenting sign of Diabetes.

Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Coma (HONK)


Type 2 Diabetics can develop this life-threatening condition when they are subject to severe medical stress such as infection or heart attack. Sometimes, Type 2 Diabetes is first diagnosed when patients develop this complication. To develop this complication, blood sugars have to be elevated for several days. The patient becomes dehydrated. These patients usually pass huge amounts of urine, trying to eliminate the excess blood glucose. Fluid from cells and tissues are drawn into the blood vessels to dilute the blood glucose causing cellular dehydration.

This is a life-threatening emergency, is generally dealt with in intensive care. The patients can develop seizures, become comatose, and fatality is not uncommon. To reduce the risk of developing this complication, if blood glucose levels are grossly elevated, typically over 500, get to the Emergency Room or immediately call your doctor. Symptoms include excessive urination, thirst, and dry skin with very little sweating. There may be signs of infections such as fever. The patients are generally very drowsy, sometimes confused. It may present as a stroke with one-sided weakness or seizures. To reduce the risk of such complications, drink plenty of water when blood glucose levels are high. Check your blood glucose frequently, and follow sick day management discussed by your Physician.

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Available Aug 16, 2019

Diabetes Cure

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