Criteria for metabolic syndrome
Any 3 of the following criteria are necessary for diagnosis.
- A triglyceride level of 150-mg/dl or higher.
- High-density lipoprotein cholestrol, that is HDL (Bad) cholesterol <40-ml/dl in men or <50-mg/dl in women.
- Blood pressure >130/80-mmHg.
- Fasting plasma glucose of 100-mg/dl or higher.
- Abdominal obesity (waist circumference of >40-inches in men or >35-inches in women).
What can help?
Follow a well-balanced diet with reduced carbohydrate and fat (low cholesterol, very little saturated fat). See a dietician to help formulate a diet plan.
Exercise, such as very brisk walking, for at least 150 minutes per week is essential.
Treatment goal is to
- lose >5% of baseline body weight.
- get triglycerides <150-mg/dl
- get HDL (good) cholesterol >40-mg/dl in men and >50-mg/dl in women.
- Keep blood pressure under 130/80
- Get fasting blood glucose <100 mg/dl. The 2-hour postprandial blood sugars should be kept <140-mg/dl.
- If there is microalbuminuria (protein) in the urine test, your doctor may prescribe an ACE inhibitor.
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