Syndrome X
Diagnostic Criteria are
- Insulin resistance (insulin not effective)
- Acanthosis nigricans (darkened areas of skin at the neck, armpits)
- Central obesity (waist circumference greater than 102-cm for men, greater than 88-cm in women).
- HDL less than 50 for women, less than 40 for men, or triglyceride more than 150-mg/dl.
- High Blood Pressure (>130/85).
- Elevated fasting glucose (>99mg/dl)
- Elevated uric acid
- Hypercoagulability (the tendency for clot formation)
- polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Microalbuminuria (protein in urine)
- Coronary artery disease
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Available Aug 16, 2019
Diabetes Cure
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Screening For Diabetes
Blood Test Screening for Diabetes Anyone over the age of 45 should be screened for glucose abnormalities every three years. In high-risk individuals, testing should be done annually, starting at a younger age. High risk being overweight, family history of Type 2...
Disaster Planning
you never know When Disaster Occurs When There's an Emergency or Natural Disaster Everyone with diabetes should be prepared for emergencies and natural disasters, such as power outages or hurricanes. Always have your disaster kit ready. Include everything you need to...
Important to reduce all risk factors Diabetic neuropathy Diabetic neuropathy, also called peripheral neuropathy, can affect motor or sensory nerves. Motor nerves supply muscles. Damage to these nerves will cause muscle weakness. Diabetic neuropathy tends to be...
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